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Step 3 Downtown Rome BOA

The Downtown Rome Brownfield Opportunity Area is 513-acre area located in the heart of Rome’s city center. The study area is characterized by its proximity to the Erie Canal and Mohawk River, Fort Stanwix, residential neighborhoods, and the historic Little Italy district in East Rome. However, like many upstate communities, the downtown study area contains a number of vacant and underutilized sites, including over 90 brownfields that serve as a reminder of Rome’s industrial past. These areas present significant opportunity to redefine downtown Rome as a city of viable industry, high quality neighborhoods, and accessible waterfronts.

The Step 2 Nomination Study, From Brown to Green: A Revitalization Strategy for the Downtown Rome BOA Area, provides a roadmap for redevelopment within the core of the downtown by identifying key development opportunities and financial resources to enable residents to live, work and play within the study area.


The Step 3 Implementation Strategy is the final planning piece in the BOA process as this plan will identify specific projects and techniques that will serve as catalysts to transform and revitalize the downtown core.

Such projects include a housing analysis, real estate market trends analysis, financial pro formas for priority redevelopment sites, as well as a comprehensive marketing strategy that identifies specific tactics to attract new residents, businesses, and tourists.

Check out the City of Rome's
Report & Summary

Hover over box to find report & summary links on desktop

Step 3 Downtown Rome Report

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Executive Summary

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